What Is Fire Side Additive?
The primary aim of combustion is to obtain the maximum amount of steam from each unit of fuel. However, impurities in fuels and operational problems are limitations to achieving maximum output from burned fuel. The impurities in coal can lead to the formation of slag in boiler furnaces, can leave the clinkers on the fuel bed and the presence of Sulphur can lead to cold-end corrosion. It is possible to improve the combustion of fuel and reduce un-burnt carbon in the ash. A fireside additive plays an important role in the complete combustion of fuel along with a control on corrosion deposits, slagging clinker formation, reduction in airborne pollution emission as well as inhibition of fouling.
Our Multipurpose Solid Fuel Additive is a free-flowing powder, designed primarily for treating coal, wood, and other solid fuels. It acts as a combustion catalyst and thereby loss due to unburnt fuel gets minimized, resulting in improved combustion efficiency. It has an anti–fouling agent that helps to keep heat transfer surfaces clean and thus improves the steam generation for the same heat transfer area. Hard clinker is softened and the tendency of hard clinker formation is reduced, thereby helping in reducing boiler maintenance, while providing easy cleaning and also increasing the boiler availability for long-term operation. This results in smoke-free combustion at lower excess air levels and improved fuel economy.
What is the Process of Combustion?
- Complete Combustion : C + 02 → CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)
- Incomplete Combustion : C + 02→ CO (Carbon Monoxide) + C (Unburned Carbon)
- Corrosion due to Sulphur Contents : S + O2 → SO2 →SO3 + Moisture (H2O) → H2SO4
- Mineral Salt Impurities produce Slag: Form oxide
- Clinker due to Silica Impurities: Forms Silicates
What are the Problems in the Combustion Process?
- Incomplete Combustion - Fuel burns in the presence of oxygen to form Carbon Dioxide but a part of this fuel forms Carbon Monoxide and some remains as Unburned Carbon.
- Slag Formation - During the combustion process as the temperature rises molten fly ash particles adhere to relatively cool furnace walls, steam generating tubes, and form a hard shiny layer known as slag.
- Clinker Formation -The Unburned carbon rises from the chamber and gets entrapped in molten slag to form a hard deposit called clinker.
- Corrosion - Oxides of Alkalines like Sodium, Potassium, Iron, and Aluminum form sulfate with SO3 present in the flue gas. These are very corrosive at high temp on metal surfaces.
- Cold End Corrosion - When Moisture from Fuel (H2O) reacts with SO3 flue gas in the chamber it forms H2SO4. This gets condensed in the Air Pre-Heater, Economizer, and Stacks to cause heavy blockages as it traps large quantities of fly ash.
- Acid Smut Formation - This is a result of sulfuric acid coated with soot and fly ash particles being emitted from the stack.
All the above problems lead to an increase in the consumption of fuel, reduced efficiency of the furnace, and a rise in pollution levels.
Why Use Additives with Solid Fuel?
- During the burning process our additive acts as a combustion catalyst by producing nascent oxygen, which boosts the combustion of carbon and reduces the formation of Carbon monoxide and Unburned Carbon.
- Almost all Fuels have ash melting points in the range of 9000C to 16000C, thus impurities burn with carbon to form slag and clinker. Our additive reacts with impurities like magnesium and aluminate compounds to form a spinal compound which is very easy to remove powdery deposits and has a melting point of more than 38000C. Raising the melting temperature of major impurities in the furnace inhibits the fouling of the furnace.
- Our Multipurpose fireside additive reacts with acids like H2SO4 and acts as a neutralizing agent to reduce the corrosion caused by acids to the chamber.
- Our Additive does not allow the impurities that melt and form slag or clinker to sinter onto the Furnace, making the cleaning process easy.
- Our Additives also help in reducing the existing surface slag or clinker formed on the walls over years of use of the furnace.
Advantages of Using Additives
A. Complete Combustion of Fuel
B. Reduced Slag & Clinker Formation
C. Minimizes Corrosion & Cold Corrosion
D. Reduces Acid Smut Formation
E. Decrease in Unburned Carbon in Ash
F. Reduces Fuel Consumption
G. Increase in Furnace Efficiency
H. Decreases Particulate Matter from Stack
I. Forms Reflective Coating on Furnace Wall
J. Decreases the Radiant Energy Absorption
Parameters to be Monitored
1) Carbon Dioxide
2) Unburned Carbon in Ash
3) Furnace Temperature
4) Particulate Matter from Stack
5) Stack Temperature
6) Slag & Clinker Deposits
Start with an initial dosage of 1 kg of additive for 1 ton of coal. After a week dosage should be adjusted according to the performance of the additive. If smoke persists, increase by 0.5 kg per ton of coal for another week. If smoking stops, decrease by 0.5 kg per ton of coal. To get the best performance of the additive, a regular dosage of the additive with as per the addition of coal is to be maintained.
Method for Application
Method A (For Automized charging of Fuel)
Add the fireside additive by homogenous mixing it with Solid Fuel prior to the combustion by using a screw feeder along with the automized Fuel charging apparatus.
Method B (For Manual charging of Fuel)
Add the fireside additive by manually charging through the Fire Door / Inspection Door Point in the furnace. For best results ensure the additive spreads over the maximum area of the solid fuel and covers the complete furnace.
Following precautions should be taken during manual charging of fireside additive
1) Keep the Damper opening at a minimum level during application.
2) Use soot blowing facility after chemical application.
3) If Force Draft is experienced put off the fan during the dosing of chemicals.
We have a wide range of Solid Fuel additives, designed primarily for treating almost all types of solid fuels like coal, wood, bagasse, biomass, and other solid fuels.