Cooling Water Combination Test Kit

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SKU: AE101

Range: Multi Parameters

GTIN: 8906172190001




Water is required to be cooled for many processes for example air conditioners manufacturing processes or power generation etc. A cooling tower is used to reduce the temperature of a water stream by extracting heat from water and emitting it to the atmosphere. Cooling towers make use of evaporation whereby some of the water is evaporated into a moving air stream and subsequently discharged into the atmosphere. As a result the remainder of the water is cooled down significantly. Water by its basic nature is corrosive. Therefore cooling systems are plagued with corrosion. Many factors affect corrosion rates in a given cooling water system. The presence of dissolved gases chloride and sulfate levels pH alkalinity scaling tendency and protective ions such as calcium magnesium phosphate nitrate and silicate must all be taken into consideration. The first step to control is detection therefore regular monitoring of the above is absolutely essential.


  • Onsite Field Test Kit
  • Easy To Follow Procedures
  • Based on International Standards (APHA/AWWA/IS)
  • Rapid and Accurate and Reliable results
  • Available in portable carry case
  • Tested and Validated by leading Laboratory
  • Economical and long shelf life.


Parameters Product Range
Total Hardness 2-40 and 5-100 and 25-500 PPM (MG/L)
Calcium Hardness 5-100 PPM (MG/L)
Alkalinity 10- 200 and 100-2000 PPM (MG/L)
Chloride 10-200 and 50-1000 PPM (MG/L)
pH 4 to 10
Iron (Dissolved) 0 - 2.0 PPM (MG/L)
Silica 5 - 80 PPM (MG/L)
Phosphate 0 - 40 PPM (MG/L)
Free Chlorine 0.1-2.0 PPM (MG/L)


Aravind Malik

Innovative features

Jul 10, 2021 at 12:07 AM

Very Useful

Jun 27, 2022 at 01:06 PM

Excellent Product

Jun 14, 2023 at 03:06 PM

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